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Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

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 A few months ago I started watching the Gilmore Girls from season 1, and by season 4 that strange Gilmore Girl phenomenon had occurred: I couldn’t decide who I hated more, Lorelei senior or Lorelei junior.
This feeling of resentment had been steadily creeping up on me and it’s difficult to ascertain quite when it began. The problem is that at first glance the Gilmore Girls is quite a promising show... (small suggestion, if you want to make this fun have a shot every time you read Gilmore Girl(s) you’ll be merrily inebriated by the end of the article)... after all, it’s quite a land mark. The Americans have evidently discovered sarcasm and in the joy of conquest have been a little over-zealous with its application. Aside from that, the show breaks several moulds by focusing on a mostly female cast, revolving around the life and child of a single mother who did not originate from a lower class background, and following her through a series of relationships which never result in matrimonial bliss and the ‘happily ever after’.
All of this is fine but eventually, as an audience, we want to see some character development, and by season 4 we’re still waiting. So what are the specific origins of my irritation? Well that firstly, by making a female-centric show, the characteristics of what defines the female had to be challenged. This would be acceptable if the Gilmore Girls could then operate as functional human beings. For instance, in challenging the notion that a woman’s place is naturally in the home, neither mother nor daughter can cook. We never see them use their kitchen. Even the mother, the Emily Gilmore character, never cooks her own meals because she has staff for that. There is no hint at all that a natural ability to whip up a pasta dish should be expected. The only female character to enjoy cooking is the professional chef, Sooky St-James, who’s natural talent is acceptable only because she makes a career of it.
The practicalities of this are limited. As a single mother, Lorelei senior would presumably have had to economise once in a while, at which point knowing how to produce a budget meal would have been an essential skill. There’s also the fact that as a result of their culinary ignorance, their diet is actually appalling. They live on large quantities of junk-food almost exclusively and never gain weight. This is one of the most fantastical elements i’ve observed in the show, where fantasy diet and fantasy figure meets in unrealistic harmony. Feminist motives aside, I can’t endorse a program that suggests modern women can shun kitchen capabilities and still raise a healthy child, the two just do not correlate.
In a strange twist, the male characters in the program often display these domestic traits far more regularly than the Gilmore Girls... when I say ‘strange twist‘ it’s not really, it’s simple role reversal - but in a show that challenges the assumptions of, especially small-town American, society, it would be nice if the heroines could actually function as independent people. Think about it, Lorelei can have a career, she can have a child, she can have a life, but she can’t quite cope without the male characters, namely Luke.
Luke cooks her meals and fixes her house for her. Despite being a modern woman her complete lack of domesticity reaches as far as an incapability to carry out small repairs. For this she relies on flirtation with her friend who arrives, whenever she calls, to carry out the traditional ‘man about house‘ duties. This flirtation never, ever ends because Lorelei - in her role as modern woman - has managed to jettison that other traditional female trait: a desire for emotional commitment. Yes, between seasons 1 and 4, Lorelei senior receives no less than three marriage proposals, all of which are declined for various, spurious, reasons.
My main issue with the show lies in the idea that for a woman to be unencumbered by traditional roles, she has to lose entire skill sets and a valuable sense of emotional stability. In contrast, making a male character ‘modern‘ means he gains in depth and ability. It seems that in the case of the Gilmore Girls, there’s a trade of skill, as though women are limited to a certain number of practical applications and if one is gained, another has to go. The male characters, however, have it all, career, life, and domesticity. Nothing lessens them.
I happen to be at University in order to, hopefully - and if this economic situation gets itself together at some point in the next year, big laugh - start a career. I also enjoy cooking, DIY, and taking long, hot baths. I’m in a long-term relationship, and at some point in the next decade - providing someone’s mad enough to ask - i’m not ruling out marriage. None of this lessens my status as a modern woman and a feminist - just as domestic duties and emotional sensibility doesn’t lessen a man’s status as male.
Men can use moisturizer and watch costume dramas now, I know several who do both. Women can join the army and wear trousers, it’s no big deal. What does seem to be a big deal, however, is the idea that a woman can have a job, raise a child, cook a meal, fix some shelves at the weekend and - providing the right guy comes along - embark on a long-term relationship with a man without losing any of the aforementioned skills. Apparently that notion is too much for a television audience to bear.
Heaven forbid we should have genuine, well rounded, believable female role-models in television.
I’ve just been re-watching some Sex and the City, and while this is a drama that focuses on strong female characters, they’re none of them balanced. Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda represent the four ‘personality types’ of which all of us are made.

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013

Gilmore Girls Wallpaper Free Funny Photos Pictures Images 2013
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