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Pumped Up Kicks.

Pumped up Kicks. High-Top sneakers are the best. Pair them with skinny jeans, a dress, a skirt... I don't care. Just go get you some. Steve Madden Hilight Wedge SneakersSam Edelman Alexander High TopsSteven Jeckle Wedge SneakersFrye Kira Stud High-Top SneakerAsh Wedge SneakersBowie Wedge SneakerAnd how's this for a splurge vs. steal...Steve Madden Sneaker $149                          Target Selma High-Top $29.99   Lots more awesome sneakers on my pinterest board. Peace y'all. yours,J


Alt-J (or ∆ to mac users). I'm pretty much obsessed with these Brits.  Dope ass songs. Sick ass videos. You know you wanna hear more so stream their debut album 'An Awesome Wave' in full here. Happy Friday Y'all! yours,Juli

Lookbook Love.

Safari Dreamin. Tallow Spring/Summer 2012 LookbookPhotographer Kane Skennar Shop Tallow here.

Tasya Van Ree

Tasya Van Ree. Images and photography from one of my latest faves, Tasya Van Ree.Beautiful photography and such a babe!More from Tasya here.yours,Juli

Delta Spirit

Delta Spirit.I had the pleasure of witnessing this BADASS band first hand last March at SXSW. I'd go as far as to say one of the best acts I've ever seen. I'm such a sucker for the harmonica.I had a really hard time narrowing down the videos I wanted to share. Every album I own is ridiculous.  Sorry to those of you on my email list.. I know the videos don't show up.  Delta Spirit - Trashcan from La Blogotheque on Vimeo. For more deets on these guys check out their website and for all my Lousiana friends (you lucky bastards) go see them the House of Blues in Nola Oct. 31st. BOOM

Lookbook Love

For Love & Lemons.For Love and Lemons released their Holiday 2012 lookbook today and HOLY SHIT! Yes Please! I'll take one of everything. The Scarlett dress(below)is one of my absolute favs and its still available online! Their holiday collection will be in stores September 30th. Visit their website for more greatness. yours, Juli
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