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Somewhere.Yours, Juli

Spell and the Gypsy Collective.

Spell and the Gypsy Collective. The Spell girls are the quintessential spirits of all things wild and free. If Fleetwood Mac had a poster child, it would be these creative Byron Bay designers who are making waves internationally with their gypsy chic.  My Spell must haves are below :)    1. Brass Hunter Necklace, 2. Cowgirl Dreams Tassel Suede Jacket, 3. Dreamweaver Bag, 4. Moon Child Sequined Maxi, 5. Gypsy Rocker Angel Wrap, 6. Bull RingMore on the Spell Sisters...For more dope Spell stuff check out my pinterest boar

Fountain of Youth

Fountain of Youth.  What an epic day!! Spent the afternoon down by the seawall playing with some kids in the fountain. Ahhh to be that carefree. It was really refreshing.Yours, Juli 


Aussie brothers Jordan and Daniel Askill never cease to amaze me. Jordan (formerly of Ksubi and Dior Homme) is an insane sculptor and jewelry designer. Daniel is a phenomenal director. Brilliance is a prerequisite for this family. Jordan Askill.Birds.Costume for Sydney dance company.Battle Cat Headpiece.Hummingbird Cuff.Black Gold Triple Heart Ring.Horse Cuff.Daniel Askill. These New Puritans.We Have Decided Not To Die Teaser.  (watch entire short here.)Ksubi Kolors Film.ok going to play outside now. happy saturday people. yours,juli
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